Saturday, July 4, 2015


Hello again!
И снова привет!
This is my second post for today and I am sharing a card I made for CASology #153. Today the Cue Word is POP.
Сегодня это уже вторая открытка, и вдохновил меня на неё ЧБ CASology #153, где слово-подсказка - хлопок, нечто привлекающее внимание.
I made a very simple one-layered card using CB Dandelion Dreams stamp set and embellished it with my new passion - IndigoBlu MegaFlakes. I like the subtle effect of a gilded spot. BTW, I have two sets of Dandelion Dream stamps and I am giving away one in my Instagram. You can take your chance to win until tomorrow. Good luck!
Я сделала очень простую однослойную открытку с набором CB Dandelion Dreams и украсила её IndigoBlu MegaFlakes. Это точно моё новое увлечение, которое уверенно теснит эмбоссинг. Золочение выглядит благороднее, и не делает изображение выпуклым, а это не всегда нужно. Кстати, наборов Dandelion Dream у меня по ошибке оказалось два, так что один разыгрываю в своём Инстаграме. Люой может попытать счастье до завтрашнего дня. Удачи!
Encouragement Card with Dandelion Dreams from Clearly Besotted by Sweet Kobylkin
I am playing along at One-Layer Simplicity Challenge #18, where is Sparkle and Shine,
Эту открытку подаю также в One-Layer Simplicity Challenge #18, где тема Сияние и блеск
and at Happy Little Stampers CAS July Challenge, Stamping.
и в Happy Little Stampers CAS July Challenge, только штампинг.
Hope, you are having a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!
Спасибо, что заглянули! Надеюсь, у всех складывается волшебный уикэнд!
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  1. A stunningly simple design which is just beautiful and I love that beautiful shine you have added with the gilding flakes . . . inspired! Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers! Hazel xx

  2. LOVE this CAS design! And the megaflakes just shine ... so beautiful. Thanks for playing along at Happy Little Stampers. xx

  3. Hey Ksenija!! I totally love your card!! It is so pretty and clean and simple. I love the colors you used on your flowers. Beautiful!!Thank you so much for playing us this week at CASology.

  4. Gorgeous and perfectly CAS! LOVE this! Thanks so much for playing along at Happy Little Stampers xx

  5. This is absolutely stunning, Ksenija! A true show stopper!!!
    Thanks so much for joining us again over at CASology! :)

  6. Ксения, поздравляю! Чудесная открытка!

  7. Love this .... fabulous CAS design and the gilded centre looks amazing! Thanks for playing along at Happy Little Stampers. Linda xx

  8. Congrats on your win at Casology - this is just stunning!

  9. Stunning card Ksenija - congratulations on your CASology win - very well deserved :-) x

  10. I love how the stems break for the sentiment and that gold is amazing! A gorgeous card! Thanks for sharing with us at HLSCAS!

  11. A beautiful card and I like how the linework breaks through the flowers.

  12. What a gorgeous use of the shiny flakes, and so perfect for our challenge! Thanks so much for playing along with such a beautifully CAS card, Ksenija!

  13. победительница ты наша! поздравляю!!! ;) ;*
